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matplotlib : 전역설정(global) rcParams 정리

by 한국수달보호협회장 2022. 7. 21.


matplotlib 공식사이트 rcParam에 정리되어있다




Customizing Matplotlib with style sheets and rcParams — Matplotlib 3.5.2 documentation

Tips for customizing the properties and default styles of Matplotlib. Setting rcParams at runtime takes precedence over style sheets, style sheets take precedence over matplotlibrc files. The matplotlibrc file Matplotlib uses matplotlibrc configuration fil


rcParam 찾아서 쓰는법

ex) 내가 tick을 찾을때는,


이렇게 찾고나서

plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 25 이런식으로 하면 끝




xtick.labelsize => xtick

axes.labelsize => xlabel, ylabel 둘다